Advertising Rates

Please find our advertising rate table below. Each visitor you will purchase will meet the following criteria:

- Unique within a 24 hour time frame

They will have JavaScript enabled

- They will have Cookies enabled

- Must view your website for at least 5 seconds

You may receive traffic that does not meet this criteria, but you will never be charged for it.

Package Description / Country Cost per 1000 Views
Desktop Mobile / Tablet Both
Worldwide Deal(All Countries) $1.000000 $1.000000 $5.000000
Australia $0.000000 $0.000000 $20.000000
Canada $4.000000 $4.000000 $30.000000
Germany $0.000000 $0.000000 $10.000000
United Kingdom $5.000000 $5.000000 $30.000000
United States $5.000000 $5.000000 $30.000000

All sites are allowed, except when they contain:

Frame breaking script

Popup any windows on entry or exit of any kind

Automatically attempt to download software or change any user settings

Adult or Pornographic related

Hate, Bigotry, and/or IntoleranceWarez or Software Piracy related

Music Piracy RelatedHacking Related

Anything related to illegal activity

Please contact us first if you are unsure whether your advertising would be suitable.